Glasgow Save our Schools Campaign
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Glasgow City Council Pre-12 Strategy, Phase 4
Glasgow City Council Pre-12 Strategy, Phase 4 affects nearly 70 schools throughout the city. Proposal J calls for the closure of 4 primary schools and 2 nursery schools in the west end.The affected schools and nurseries are: Dowanhill, Hillhead, Kelvinhaugh and Willowbank.
The council plan to close the schools and sell the sites for property development - to maximise flat numbers on the sites they will be developed as "car-free", in other words on-street-parking.
To replace the schools a Super Size Me school will be built on the gap site on the corner of Gibson and Otago streets.
The school will have on its roll 683 pupils by 2010 There will be a nursery for a further 80 children.
The site will be 3,700 sq m of building and 1,540 sq m of ground space. The cost to the council will be £9,789,760
The site will include the gap site, the council depot, the Kelvin Way entrance and the sports fields. The building will be 4 storeys high with potential for growth!
Entrance for Kelvinhaugh and Dowanhill pupils and vehicles will be by the Kelvin Way entrance. Pupils from Hillhead and Willowbank will enter by the M8 arterial road, Gibson Street.
For more information about the protest please contact:
Anthea Irwin on 07742 889 802
To register a protest, a point of order, an objection, your outrage or to suggest
alternatives you must put them in writing to
Executive Director (Education, Training and Young People)
Glasgow City Council,
Wheatley House,
25 Cochrane Street,
G1 1HL
Cut off date for letters to be received is Friday 9th December 2005
Bob, 8:27 AM